Tuesday 28 June 2011

ISOM - How IT/IS can give benefits and disadvantages

Information System Organization Management

How IT/IS can give benefits and disadvantages
1.   Education
2.   Growth of organization
3.   Interpersonal skills of a person/individual

1.   Education
  • Online distance learning
With distance learning courses, students can complete their course work from just about anywhere, provided there’s a computer and Internet connection. This allows students to work when and where it is more convenient for them without having to squeeze in scheduled classes to an already busy life.

  • Availability
The information technology allows the availability as the system can be used 24 hours / 7 day a weeks. The students can download the slides and the question paper from the site all the time as long as the students is connected to the  Internet.

  • lack of interaction.
You aren't in a classroom and don't have the opportunity to hear questions and discussion from other students. This isn't always an issue, depending on the subject of the online education course you are taking, but it could be an important factor in deciding whether an online education is the best option when seeking out opportunities for learning new skills or gaining new training.

  •  Not concentration
The students don't concentration to study, they just having a good mood to have more entertainment.

2. Growth of Organization
  •  Communication
As a growing organization, the communication would be one of the important parts of its daily operation. By using the IT, the organization may contact with other business partners in oversea easily.
  • Time and cost
IT helps an organization to save its time and cost. For example they use email to communicate with the customer or client. And they doesn't need to send letter now use e-letter to communicate.

  • Fraud of online transaction
Easily conduct transactions on the Internet will facilitate also cause a prohibited transaction such as transaction or transactions contraband drugs.
  • Security risks
It may bring a lot of security issues to the organization such as virus attack, hackers threats and etc.

3.   Interpersonal skills of a person / individual

  • Explore by using the internet

Can search alot of information, resources, news, latest technologies, skills and etc by using the internet.
  • Good communication way
Individual may communicates with others through the internet easily such as Email, Facebook, MSN, and etc. Individual may contacts with his / her friends who is in other country easily with all the communication tools.

  • Time consumption
Individual may used more of his/her time for using the IT resources such as surfing the internet. Individual may sit all the day in front of the computer for surfing the internet.
  • Health risk
Spend alot of time by using the computer, this may bring the health problem to him/  her such as radiation.

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