Tuesday 28 June 2011

ISOM - How IT/IS can give benefits and disadvantages

Information System Organization Management

How IT/IS can give benefits and disadvantages
1.   Education
2.   Growth of organization
3.   Interpersonal skills of a person/individual

1.   Education
  • Online distance learning
With distance learning courses, students can complete their course work from just about anywhere, provided there’s a computer and Internet connection. This allows students to work when and where it is more convenient for them without having to squeeze in scheduled classes to an already busy life.

  • Availability
The information technology allows the availability as the system can be used 24 hours / 7 day a weeks. The students can download the slides and the question paper from the site all the time as long as the students is connected to the  Internet.

  • lack of interaction.
You aren't in a classroom and don't have the opportunity to hear questions and discussion from other students. This isn't always an issue, depending on the subject of the online education course you are taking, but it could be an important factor in deciding whether an online education is the best option when seeking out opportunities for learning new skills or gaining new training.

  •  Not concentration
The students don't concentration to study, they just having a good mood to have more entertainment.

2. Growth of Organization
  •  Communication
As a growing organization, the communication would be one of the important parts of its daily operation. By using the IT, the organization may contact with other business partners in oversea easily.
  • Time and cost
IT helps an organization to save its time and cost. For example they use email to communicate with the customer or client. And they doesn't need to send letter now use e-letter to communicate.

  • Fraud of online transaction
Easily conduct transactions on the Internet will facilitate also cause a prohibited transaction such as transaction or transactions contraband drugs.
  • Security risks
It may bring a lot of security issues to the organization such as virus attack, hackers threats and etc.

3.   Interpersonal skills of a person / individual

  • Explore by using the internet

Can search alot of information, resources, news, latest technologies, skills and etc by using the internet.
  • Good communication way
Individual may communicates with others through the internet easily such as Email, Facebook, MSN, and etc. Individual may contacts with his / her friends who is in other country easily with all the communication tools.

  • Time consumption
Individual may used more of his/her time for using the IT resources such as surfing the internet. Individual may sit all the day in front of the computer for surfing the internet.
  • Health risk
Spend alot of time by using the computer, this may bring the health problem to him/  her such as radiation.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Disaster Recovery Plan

Disaster Recovery
Disaster recovery planning is an ongoing process, not a static document or software program.There are four important phases to the recovery planning process.

    Risk and Business Impact Analysis
This analysis prioritizes a company's business functions and resources, and identifies the critical business functions those that must continue, while others can be restored later.This phase also identifies steps that prevent minor events from becoming disasters.
        Strategic Planning

This step evaluates a wide range of recovery alternatives for critical business functions.We help our clients balance initial and ongoing costs with recovery time frames for each strategy.With an objective comparison of costs and benefits, our clients can make informed decisions regarding their recovery capabilities.
    Business Continuation Plan Documentation
This documentation phase organizes employees into recovery action teams.Each team will have specific objectives, resources and procedures to activate their recovery.Companies choose from the best format for their business continuation plans by business function, product line or specific location.

       Testing, Training and Maintenance

This phase exercises a company's evolving recovery capabilities and familiarizes its employees with their roles for plan implementation. Without testing and training, the plan is just a document.An effective plan is as dynamic as the company, so it demands updating as changes occur.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Security Measure for assignment

Relate the following questions to your selected IS/IT discussed in your assignment

1. what is/are the potential/ current risk identified? 

2.What is/are the consequences of (1)?
3.Which security measures might be suitable / to be recommended in solving(2)? 

Please prepare the draft of requirement No.3 of the assignment question and post in on blog.

*Aim of this is to help  you to figure out how you should be writing the section on 'Risk, Security and Disaster Recovery Plan in your assignment.

Risks to the system:
  • The virus infections which may cause the computer unable to work.
  •  It attacks by hackers; the hackers can try to gain unauthorized access to the system in order to compromise system and data integrity, availability or confidentiality.
  • Theft of data by insiders. They might steal the company’s or the student data and sell it to other competitors company.

Securities that can be taken to reduce the risk are:-
  • Use the anti-virus software and make sure the software is always up-to-date. 
  •   Make sure that the firewall is on.
  •  Need to control the employee access to the system by using the password.
  • Make sure there is least than 2 computers that are able to use in the Studio. To in case one of the computers was breaks down, and there is still another one that can be functioning.
Disaster recovery plan is in case something happen, the company needs to do backup to protect the company important data. By the new system Student Record System, it needs to create another backup file to in case there is anything happen.

Tuesday 31 May 2011

What do you want?

Seriously, I'm not a greedy person. I don't even like to have a big house or even a big car. I'm mean the size of the house and the car. That is because I'm not the big size person.

I need a job after graduate and hopefully will get married soon. Buy 1 or 2 houses, 1 is for us to stay and another 1 is for investment.

And I would like to have a Mini Cooper, I like it because it is small size and fashion.

And I need to save money to open my business. I'll design the logo, the Interior design of the shop, the things all I'll do it by myself and hope my parents and friends will support me.

But...if can, I would like to leave this country. I love nature, flowers and trees, fruit and vegetable, animals and forests, sea and sea side. I want to go the place that there got fresh air, with nature.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Case Study Analysis -- A Rural Tale

Case Study Analysis -- A Rural Tale

Read and understand the case, analyse all the problems that had led towards the failure of IS implementation. This case is related to our BASIC Chapters (Chapter 1 and Chapter 2) and IT strategy. Complete analysis is to be posted on your blog.

Problems analyzed

In this case study, the problem faced by the foreign aid workers is that they are facing villagers from a developing country which means the countrymen is not educated well enough to understand what good technology will bring to them.

The another is communication. It will be a problem, there is no people from the home country to help the foreign workers to communicate with them. With the language and style as a barrier, they will be faces difficulties to deliver the message to them or make them understand in you.

After identify the problem faced by the villagers, the foreign workers should do some survey or questionnaire on what they wanted to improvement and is the pipe the best suited solution for them.

for the rural villagers, they has bad knowledge. So they might bring some videos to demonstrated to the villagers so that they can learn to use it and accept it because it can help to improve their quality of live. 


  • Provide some training
Give them some training. Like example teach the worker to use the pipes, and give them some time to get used to it.

Foreign workers should hand out some questionnaire to really identify the problem faced by the villagers and not by assumptions made.

After the implementation, the workers should teach the villagers on how to use the the pipes. The villagers need to learn it. 

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Wal Mart Inventory Management System

Question: Conduct research on Wal Mart Inventory Management System.
Evaluate on how the system is benefiting Wal Mart.
Write a summary of your findings.

Wal Mart Inventory Management System.

Basically, the suppliers don't have a choice in the matter.  Wal-Mart's business, even with the demands on service, is too good to pass up.  But, Wal-Mart is not about to have a stock out due to some supplier's inability to provide a 99% service level.  Wal-Mart, like many huge companies, will not wait.  Many companies are:
"requiring shorter lead times even as more companies implement 'zero tolerance' policies for late shipments."
Zero tolerance is a hell of a statement from a company that knows service level.  To provide even a 97% service level compared to a 95% service can result in a huge increase in inventory.  Zero-tolerance is wild.  In fact it is actually impossible.  No matter what a company holds in inventory, there is always the possibility that Wal-Mart could order one more than that.  Couple this with a shorter lead time to Wal-Mart and inventories are staggering. (Inventory Management Review, 2006)

Not only does Wal-Mart demand what they want when they want it, but also, as one Logistics Management survey respondent said regarding why he has to hold more inventory:
"Wal-Mart is ordering fewer cases more frequently"
For a company, this means that they can either produce smaller batches, or hold onto more inventory.  Because if a company cannot produce less and faster, than they have to produce a large amount and then, instead of producing a large amount and getting rid of it all at once, they have to get rid of it slowly over time, which increases average inventory.
While Wal-Mart may be getting the good end of the deal, one thing is for sure, there's a reason suppliers put up with these demands, and it's not because the business with Wal-Mart is bad. (Inventory Management Review, 2006)

Efficient inventory control system
With those kinds of numbers, having an effective, efficient inventory control system, or inventory management system, is imperative. Wal-Mart's system helps it maintain its signature "everyday low prices" by telling store managers which products are selling and which are taking up shelf and warehouse space. (Howstuffworks.com, 2011)
Inventory management systems are the rule for such enterprises, but smaller businesses and vendors use them, too. The systems ensure customers always have enough of what they want and balance that goal against a retailer's financial need to maintain as little stock as possible. Mismanaged inventory means disappointed customers, too much cash tied up in warehouses and slower sales. Factors such as quicker production cycles, a proliferation of products, multinational production contracts and the nature of the big-box store make them a necessity.Howstuffworks.com, 2011) (
Modern inventory management systems must have the ability to track sales and available inventory, communicate with suppliers in near real-time and receive and incorporate other data, such as seasonal demand. They also must be flexible, allowing for a merchant's intuition.
And, they must tell a store owner when it's time to reorder and how much to purchase.
To achieve this, inventory management systems pull together several technologies into one cohesive approach. Read on to learn about the history of inventory management systems and how modern systems work. (Howstuffworks.com, 2011)

Information technologies benefit in Inventory management:-
  • Satellite communication system.
  • By using IT capabilities Wal-Mart check & make the availability of customers demand. 
  •  Automated Reordering System. 

  • Radio frequency system.
      -Proofs to be magic wand
      -Helps in keeping track of the inventory in stores (Scribd.com, 2008)


Inventory Management Review

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Websites Review

Websites Review

1. Login to Facebook and Your Blog
2. Open the following links:
  • http://www.groupsmore.com
  • http://www.jackcow.com
  • http://www.milkadeal.com
  • http://www.superdeals.my
3. Browse through those sites. Compare and contrast those sites in terms of :-
  • Functionality / Service
  • User Interface / Site Layout
4. After comparing & differentiating them; rank those websites according to your summary on the following points:- 
            - Any benefits(s) of those websites?
               - to the participating organisation 
               - users / customers
          - Why do you prefer "Website A" compared to others.
          - Is e-commerce tool implementations a good / bad stratergy?
          - Any difficult in using / browsing these websites? How / What to be improve.

They provide different service with other websites and they provides is good for travel, finding food, and so on. 
The price that they provides is not that expensive, and they also give customer discount and promotion.
The user interface is user friendly, and it is simple website with can easy to find the information.
Benefits of this websites is they provides many different packages. And it will also link it to the facebook, and the customer don't need to sign up when the customer got their Facebook account.

The most popular services is Groupon Malaysia. It Facebook account already has more then 10 thousand people "LIKE" it company, So that we know this company can get trust and it is value.

To improved the website to be more attractive is change the websites format to Full Multimedia with sound/song, video and animation. 

They provide different service with other websites and they provides is good for travel, finding food, and so on. The Price that they provides is not expensive but is expensive then Groupon Malaysia. And they also give discount and promotion. 
The user interface is not interactive enough, but is also a simple websites. But i don't really like it, because there are too simple... 
Benefits of this websites is they provides many different packages. 
But their websites don't like others websites, it won't link it to the facebook, and the customer need to sign up when the customer need the more information the customer need to sign up/register. This is the disadvantages for the customers to use.

The Tools that the websites is good, but it still can make some changes.

To improved the website to be more attractive is to change the websites format to Full Multimedia with sound/song, video and animation. And add more picture and the customer feedback comment which the customers can comment anything good or bad with the services that they provides.

They provide different service with other websites and they provides is good for travel, finding food, and so on. Which is same with the other. 
They also will give the customer discount and promotion with different packages.
The interface is also not bad, with the nice white and red colour for the background and there also list down the price, the place, the information and so on.

Benefits of this websites is they provides many different packages. And it will also link it to the facebook, and the customer don't need to sign up when the customer got their Facebook account.

To improved the website to be more attractive is change the websites format to Full Multimedia with sound/song, video and animation.

They provide different service with other websites and they provides is good for travel, finding food, and so on. Which is same with the other too.
They also will give the customer discount and promotion with different packages. 

The interface is not really good, because I think red colour is good but there are some numbers at the upper web page. So it is not attractive. 
Tools that has provides is good is the comment function that the customer can write some comment at the bottom there. 

Benefits of this websites is they provides many different packages. And it will also link it to the facebook, and the customer don't need to sign up when the customer got their Facebook account. 

To improved the website to be more attractive is change the websites format to Full Multimedia with sound/song, video and animation.  Add more picture to the home pages.


1. Groupsmore
2. Jackcow
3. Super Deals
4. Milkadeal 


The benefit of this website is they are making their sales and advertising their website in the same time. This enable them to create fast business while saving cost without actual any physical printing voucher. This also enable user to locate the nearest promotion place within their area.

I would prefer Groupsmore.com as the website are user friendly. User can easy navigate their website due the content are properly displayed. The website has the functionality of integration together with Facebook.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

1st Report - Individual Assignment


Write on your chosen organisation. In the write up should includes:

1. (i). Introduction of the organisation 
  • A bit of history, how it started?
  • Identify the market industry, what's the organisation position in this industry? 
   (ii). Specify the area in e organisation, that will be focused in your assignment.

  (iii). Which IS/IT (system) implemented in e organisation will be your focus area?

2. Project Planning + Task Scheduling
  • List all the possible tasks that will be carried out in completing this assignment. Allocate an estimation of time to complete each task.
  • How are you going to conduct e research? Exmaple: Email interview observation,books/internet research. 
Part 1:

  • Introduction for the company
The organization I will be talking will be the Secret RecipeSdn Bhd. 
Secret Recipe , a popular lifestyle café chain, has become a household name following its debut in 1997. Secret Recipe has successfully established its brand name in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Philippines, Brunei, and Australia by virtue of its fine quality cakes, fusion food and distinctive service.

A leading and largest café chain in Malaysia, with Halal certification awarded by Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), Secret Recipe is committed to continue to adhere to the standards of preparation of all food and processing plant in the restaurant in accordance to the regulatory guidelines including HACCP and VHM guidelines. Customers can always enjoy in confidence from more than 20 types of fusion food, 40 cake creations and pastries, with a flavourful range of ice cream and beverages offered in all
Secret Recipe outlets.

  • The Focus Area

The area I would be focusing on would be their payment system, .

I would be focusing on developing a website that the customer using online payment system and delivery.

Part 2: 

  • Planning & Research 

The possible task will be carried in completing this assignment would be improving their  Marketing, Sales and Customer Services as well as designing and developing system that appropriate to it. The total estimate time will be needed  most probably would be 10 weeks.

I will conduct the research through observation, email interview, internet as well as any source that is available to gain knowledge for my assignment.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Task Two ( Old Economy and New Economy )

Question 1
Read any articles on Digital Economy. Summarize, then differentiate 'Old Economy' with 'New Economy'.

It may be helpful to describe the “old economy” before we talk about the “new

From around 1938 to 1974, the economy was built on a manufacturing base geared toward standardized production. It was organized into stable, hierarchical and generally autocratic organizations. These organizations achieved a competitive edge in the market by making standardized products faster and more economically. They focused on incremental cost reductions and a national market-place. This is how success and prosperity were achieved in most states. In Alabama, examples of this type of organization could be found in textile and steel mills. This economic order began breaking down between the mid-1970s and the early 1990s.

The Old Economy will be least using computer, the people won't use online to buy or shop online to search and purchases. They will go outside purchase some goods. But now a day, they are changed. It is the New Economy, they already learn how to purchase product by using Internet. They will search for the product and compare the price, the quality of the product and so on. (Old Economy and New Economy, 1999)

                               Table 1 : Comparison of The Old Economy and The New Economy
                                            Sources : Old & New Economy Article

Question 2
Look for any organisation on the net. Discuss on how the organisation is currently using the Internet, to perform digital Economy. For an example: Amazon organisation
- This organisation is using the Internet to conduct virtual organisation. Through amazon.com/amazon.co.uk, all business activities, buying and selling of products, offers of services, all being provided online.
- Also outline the benefits and challenges of the services/digital economy.

Barnes & Noble is the organisation that also using the Internet to conduct virtual organisation.
All business activities, buying, selling, comparing, searching the right product and so on.

The Benefits is the customer or consumer no need to go outside to search for the product. They can only sit down at home open their PC, online to purchase the product that they want. It is easy to do online shopping.

The Challenges of the organisation is there are so many digital economy organisation.
(Barnes and Noble, 2011)

References :
Old Economy and New Economy
Old & New Economy Article
Barnes and Noble

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Information System

Information systems are more than just computer programs. Though information and communications technologies are playing an increasing role in meeting organizations’ information needs, an information system is a much more general concept. It refers to the wider systems of people, data and activities, both computer-based and manual, that effectively gather, process, store and disseminate organizations’ information. (international Graduate Information System, 2011)

An information system is a collection of hardware, software, data, people and procedures that are designed to generate information that supports the day-to-day, short-range, and long-range activities of users in an organization.  Information systems generally are classified into five categories:  office information systems, transaction processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems, and expert systems.  The following sections present each of these information systems.(Cashman and Vermaat, 1999)

Type of Information Systems

  1. Transaction Processing Systems

A transaction processing system (TPS) is an information system that captures and processes data generated during an organization’s day-to-day transactions.  A transaction is a business activity such as a deposit, payment, order or reservation.

Clerical staff typically perform the activities associated with transaction processing, which include the following:

  • Recording a business activity such as a student’s registration, a customer’s order, an employee’s time card or a client’s payment.
  • Confirming an action or triggering a response, such as printing a student’s schedule, sending a thank-you note to a customer, generating an employee’s paycheck or issuing a receipt to a client.
  • Maintaining data, which involves adding new data, changing existing data, or removing unwanted data.

Transaction processing systems were among the first computerized systems developed to process business data – a function originally called data processing. And usually, the Transaction Processing System computerized an existing manual system to allow for faster processing, reduced clerical costs and improved customer service.

The first transaction processing systems usually used batch processing. With is the batch processing, transaction data is collected over a period of time and all transactions are processed later, as a group.  As computers became more powerful, system developers built online transaction processing systems. With the online transaction processing (OLTP) the computer processes transactions as they are entered.  When you register for classes, your school probably uses OLTP.  The registration administrative assistant  enters your desired schedule and the computer immediately prints your statement of classes.  The invoices, however, often are printed using batch processing, meaning all student invoices are printed and mailed at a later date.

Most transaction processing systems use online transaction processing.  Some routine processing tasks such as calculating paychecks or printing invoices, however, are performed more effectively on a batch basis.  For these activities, many organizations still use batch processing techniques. (Cashman and Vermaat, 1999)

   2.   Management Information Systems

While computers were ideal for routine transaction processing, managers soon realized that the computers’ capability of performing rapid calculations and data comparisons could produce meaningful information for management.  Management information systems thus evolved out of transaction processing systems.  A management information system, or MIS (pronounced em-eye-ess), is an information system that generates accurate, timely and organized information so managers and other users can make decisions, solve problems, supervise activities, and track progress.  Because it generates reports on a regular basis, a management information system sometimes is called a management reporting system (MRS).

Management information systems often are integrated with transaction processing systems.  To process a sales order, for example, the transaction processing system records the sale, updates the customer’s account balance, and makes a deduction from inventory.  Using this information, the related management information system can produce reports that recap daily sales activities; list customers with past due account balances; graph slow or fast selling products; and highlight inventory items that need reordering.  A management information system focuses on generating information that management and other users need to perform their jobs.(Cashman and Vermaat, 1999)

 References :

Concepts for a Connected World by Shelly, Cashman and Vermaat; Course Technology 1999
International Graduate Information System